I do not know how many times it has happened with you, but I can recall various occasions when I and others I know, have returned from a movie totally disappointed. No, not because it was a bad movie but because it turned out to be too heavily censored. It is not a well kept secret that the success of “Film Festivals” at one time depended on the collection of “bold” films that would form part of the “World Cinema Panorama” . These films would be much sought after among the discerning audience not for the fancy camera work, or play of light and shadow or distinctive editing techniques, but because of the various bold scenes. French cinema and various East European cinemas would fit the bill (not that they were otherwise deviod of rich cinematic content, but then, who's watching that!). These scenes would be well publicised by the festival organisers through the media by organising discussion forums and seminars featuring the local cognoscenti and the intelligentsia. However, occa...
An innocent bystander to my own life.