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Showing posts from October, 2010


New job, new city….new circus….let’s see if it is a new act! Yes, changing jobs is pretty much turning over a new page. A fresh start may not necessariy be a good thing when it comes to one's that would imply you have lost what ever distance you had covered...whatever 'edge' one may have gained in the last job. Somehow I like the parallel of a circus better! And yes, I learnt it from a one of those chain mails on funny out of office messages "I have left to join a new circus". Taking the analogy further, I guess the question really is whether the new circus is better than the old one. What makes it better ofcourse depends on which lens you chose to to scrutinise a job selection: better pay, larger scale, greater responsibility or 'work life balance'. Ofcourse all these questions have to blend in the unerlying truth...this was the circus that was willing to take you in for what you asked in return.