Who is the best president we have had so far? C'mon, this one should be easy.... Giani Zail Singh of course. Just for a moment think if the venerable President Z (puns galore!!) could become a cult figure at a time when even telephones were a luxury and well, for porn you had to go to a video library, what an explosion of fun we would have had if he was the President now, in the age of social networks, and photo and video editing tools!! He spawned a thousand jokes, the populace hung on to every sighting of his on our black and white news shows. Unfortunately, he isn't quite around to run for President anymore. But there is one politician who can fill in if not for anything else but for the sheer entertainment value she provides. Since she has proved a disaster in every other aspect, we should have her in a place where she can do minimum damage. Now which is a high visibility zero impact government post, the President of India. I propose Mamata for Preside...
An innocent bystander to my own life.