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New Wrap

The Mexicans got it right:

"MEXICO CITY - Mexico City is giving out free Viagra and other impotence drugs to men 70 and older.
Mayor Marcelo Ebrard says the city is implementing the plan because sexuality "has a lot to do with quality of life and our happiness."
Read full report.

While I whole heartedly congratulate Comrade Mayor Marcelo for taking a hard stand, several questions spring to mind.

Why only to men over 70 and older, does it mean that Mexico City has one of the most virile populations, so much so that only men over 70 have any use for the V drug to spruce up their horizontal adventures!! Well, we only hear about Italian men being pretty….excitable, but it appears the Mexicans are way ahead in the game.

Also, how are the better halves of the 70 year old men taking this government drive? Will the ladies be able to take it when their men folk rise to the occasion thanks in no small measure, to the Mayor’s munificence? Sure the Mayor does not expect the 70 year old guy’s wife to get all excited about his husband getting horny. If the Mayor does not get re-elected, we will certainly know which demographic segment did not vote for him.

Stripping record (as opposed to 'stripped of his record')

“More than a hundred people achieved a world record on Thursday by stripping down to their underpants in London's St Pancras station.
The act was done to mark Guinness World Records Day, and the event was organised by Pants to Poverty”.
Read full report.

Now I never knew there was a Guinness records category for stripping down to underpants. I wonder what other categories does Guinness have…do have a stipping category beyond …… underpants…..
and does it come in men’s and women’s events…and since it is not exactly an endurance sport (eg: marathon etc) does it have age categories….if there is a one organised by Mayor Marcelo for 70 year olds and more, I would like to give that a miss!!!


  1. Welcome back Señor :)

    And it's good to see that you're on the prowl again...

    Our muchacho of a mayor is shrewd high-roller...he knows "happiness" and "satisfaction" are some of the hormonal drives that translate to votes in these troubled times...and the easiest dynamics of persuasion are those that achieve congruency with people's innate need to be consistent...yes, we are hardwired for consistency, and we will ignore logic and information to attain it...and nowhere is this consistency factor more relevant than in the mortal domain of consummate bliss...

    ...I am no crapshooter, but I am pretty sure our muchacho is going to get those grandpa votes.

    As for their better halves response to this bureaucratic intervention, I am tempted to conclude that they wouldn't be too inclined to be proactive...They sure don't want to be at the wrong end of a there-is-no-sense-in-sharpening-lead-in-your-pencil-if-you-have-no-one-worth-writing-to" retort :/

    ...and then there's "Pants for Poverty"...tell you what, whatever those guys have in their hookahs has got to be powerful stuff :))


  2. Not sure if would hail or brail the Mayor but in perspective the problem of dysfunction is irrespective of age group. Walking back to streets of calcutta and esplanade in particular , theatres like Regal (does it exist any more ? :-)) served the urge of V medicine that provides today!

  3. @ Louise - thanks. beauraucratic intervention from the muchacho of a mayor!!!...great going Comrade L.

    @Pritam - Agree, the problem transcends age groups...the joys of a Regal, Society..aka "Samaj"...those were the days...Incidentally, this Kolkata trip i found out, south Cal (similar to the Regals) still survives in all its ramshackle splendour!!


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