Yes. Kissing is overrated. Think about it. There is just about too much brouhaha (wow….finally I got to use the word)… about kissing these days….and to think that people have been kissing for ages. What is it about kissing that gives rise to so many controversies? So I have tried to do some research (which really means I googled a bit) and have tried to understand some of the kisses that come readily to mind…:- Judas Kissing Jesus:- Legend has it that Judas, to finger Jesus to the Roman soldiers, kissed Jesus on the cheek. Its strange bordering on yickee… Either people were really weird those days or someone made this up later. I mean, think about it, if you wanted to finger out a person you would probably ...well..use your finger and point at him…or maybe if you wanted to be discreet just make that meaningful movement of your eyes….or if you really hated him…throw a stone…but kiss him…who would do that? Now moving 2 thousand years forward:-- Gere-Shetty : So much have been said and w...
An innocent bystander to my own life.