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New law of life

I have arrived at my new law of life.

This is the longest break between two subsequent posts that I have had since I started this blog.

Last week I told myself…I better write a post this week since I have made an unwritten rule that I shall be making one post a week.

But hang on, I write blogs because its fun, but then when I start trying to live up to rules it suddenly makes it seem like a job.

Ok, I know it is remotely possible there may be a couple of more who read this blog beside me (certainly not more than that)… and I can flatter myself into thinking that they will be, well disappointed! Hey come of it…they’ll survive!

So I have now not written for two whole weeks. I am writing now because…well because I want to. Not because I feel I should. In other words, if I do not write now, it will seem like my job is to not write posts to my blog.

So the rule going forward is, if you already have a job, stop doing everything else that feels like a job. (I am assuming you need that one job to do all the other things that are non-jobs).

I can see some of you smirking…thinking you only do one job so you have nothing to worry…wrong, wrong, wrong.

There are various things which we feel we should do and they end up resembling jobs more than anything else…

Illustrations: -

1. Accompanying your spouse to his/her office party…I cannot imagine any sane person enjoying this (unless offcourse it is a nude party and all his/her colleagues are the same sex as your spouse).
So next time you are asked to attend such a party, you can simply say…sorry, you hate your present job enough and cannot handle the stress of two jobs.

2. Buying monthly domestic provisions…this some call a chore, which is worse than a job. I am already working my way out of this job.

I have discovered the pleasure of having food without salt, tea without sugar and wearing soiled clothes as there is no detergent to run the washing machine. You can buy this stuff not monthly, but only when you desperately need it, and it is no secret how much pleasure it is to lay your hands on something you really need.

Go ahead try….the road of discovery has been interesting for me … a shampoo is a great substitute for body soap….a hand-wash can double as shampoo and you can have instant noodles for 3 meals a day.

3. Watching cricket…yes, given the present state of Indian cricket, it is pretty much a job. I have stopped watching cricket for quite sometime now and have considerable free time that I spend doing nothing at all.

I can come up with more illustrations, but then it will make my blog writing seem like a job so I wont do it.

So friends, take a breather….list out all the jobs you are doing, decide on the one that you want to continue doing… (The one that pays the most would be an easy guideline for most people… because most people are greedy) and chuck all the rest.

Go on…make the list…it is a job you got to do.


  1. So you want us to complete/expand your list, heh?? your own admission, that would be "our Job"...but then again, you told us to stop doing any more jobs, if we already have one...

    I have a job....reading your posts :P

    practice what you preach :))


  2. @ Louise: Bang on Louise...its a job we got to do...but then we already decided not to do more than one job...Man!!!'s paradoxes...(or is it fallacies??) whatever...

    As regards your job...hmm....flattering as it may sound....yet...I am almost tempted to tell you what the Sword Swallower's mom told him...GET A REAL JOB!!!!

  3. wardrobe malfunctioning and stream choice part is really funny and apt...I M Impressed !

  4. @anonymous....thanks for your kind words.

    Can you confirm if anonymous is your real name, if yes, I'll ask google to change the default name to something else :-)


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