I am a transit passenger in Bangkok today. The city celebrated Songkran - the Thai new year today. The date on the banner in the picture shows yesterday, but the celebration was really today. Songkran sounds so similar to Sangkranti . Also the new year seems to co-incide very much with the Bengalis' "Nabo Borsho" (meaning new year) as also the Baisakhi in Punjab . I guess some of this can be explained by the ancient influence of Indian culture on Thailand . But here's the funniest part - Bangkok celebrates Songkran on the streets by splashing water mixed with white powder on passersby. Not exactly the same as our Holi , but the resemblance is too close to be just a co-incidence. Should I google this up or leave it to our imagination how the Holi became Songkran in Thailand? is there a massage, sorry message there somewhere (more pictures coming).
An innocent bystander to my own life.